Tasarım Organizasyonları

 OBD Organization of Black Designers


AWID Association of Women Industrial Designers


CSD The Chartered Society of Designers


GAG Graphic Artists Guild


SFCA San Fransisco Creative Alliance


CFDA Chicago Furniture Designers Association educate our community by teaching about design.


CAM Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design


EDC The European Design Centre.


DAS Designer's Association of Singapore


IDSA Materials and Processes Site
The official site of the IDSA Materials and Processes (M&P) Section.




Design Corps America

IIDA International Interior Designers Association


DRS Design Research Society


GDID A guide to danish and international design and designers.


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IDSA Industrial Designers Society of America


ICSID International Council of Societies of IndustrialDesign


CORE Core Industrial Design NETWORK


DC Design Council


D.C.U The Design Council of UK


DE Design Engine

N D B New Designers in Business¦


ACD The American DD For Design


DIA CA Dia Center for the Arts


CDF Corportate Design Foundation


ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects


CA Castelvetro


KIDP Korea Institute of Industrial Design Promotion
KIDP will host the ICOGRADA 2000 and ICSID 2001 Korea.


JIDPO Japanese Industrial Design Promotion Organization


SIDF Swedish Industrial Design Foundation


MUD Moscow Union of Designers


IFDH Industrie Forum Design HANNOVER